When you pair up two celebrities with little in common except a growling appetite, you get some pretty off-the-wall comedy. And a roaring success.
Our launch campaign for Uber Eats Taiwan features Jolin Tsai and Lin Meixiu. The megastar duo declared their cravings across TV spots, bite-sized social media clips, and posters that plastered the city. The reaction was big on social media, and several news outlets picked up the campaign. Our recipe? Safe inside a locked vault.
聯合報 United Daily News / 蔡依林罕見拋尺度變這樣 林美秀傻眼回7字
自由時報 Liberty Times Net / 笑出來!蔡依林驚人舉動林美秀傻眼說話了
蘋果即時 Apple Daily / 林美秀耍寶動次動 逼出Jolin魔性笑聲
聯合報 United Daily News / Uber Eats最新品牌雙代言上檔蔡依林,林美秀登場
儂儂雜誌社 Bella Women's Magazine / 網稱「最亮眼綠葉」!林美秀攜手天后蔡依林動感現身,盤點3部經典廣告每部都好看又笑
Computer DIY / 蔡依林,林美秀2大天后擔任Uber Eats超強雙代言人