Please Wait

Don't rush it: we are marinating our work in creative juices.

Great things come to those who wait. But don't wait too long, great things also like assertiveness.

Look at the pink disk closely. Look at it intensely. Hypnotized yet?

Why not use this time to clean your screen? It's filthy.

By the way, what's your lucky number? Mine is 76.

We'd let you in now, but we don't want to break the heart of the guy who animated the spinning logo.

Our Reel

Drag and drop

Legal stuff

Cookies Statement

Statement on the use of cookies, the analysis of usage data and the use of analysis tools.

We use cookies to identify your interests and particularly popular areas of our websites and use this information to improve the design of our websites and make them even more user-friendly. For the same purposes we use Google Analytics; cookies may also be used here.

1. Functions and use of cookies

  • a. Cookies are small files that are placed on your desktop, notebook or mobile device by a website you visit. From this we can, for example, recognize whether there has already been a connection between your device and our websites, or which language or other settings you prefer. Cookies may also contain personal data.
  • b. By using our websites, you agree to the use of cookies.
    You can also visit our website without consenting to the use of cookies. This means that you can refuse such use and delete cookies at any time by making the appropriate settings on your device. This is done as follows:
    • i. Most browsers are pre-set to automatically accept cookies. You can change this setting by activating the setting *do not accept cookies* in your browser.
    • ii. You can delete existing cookies at any time. You can find out how this works in detail in the instructions of your browser or device manufacturer.
    • iii. For information on deactivating Local Shared Objects, see the following link:Information on deactivating Local Shared Objects
    • iv. Like the use of cookies, their rejection or deletion is also linked to the device used and also to the browser used in each case. You must therefore reject or delete the cookies separately for each of your devices and, if you use several browsers, also for each browser.
  • c. If you decide against the use of cookies, it is possible that not all functions of our websites are available to you or that individual functions are only available to you to a limited extent.
  • d. We categorize cookies as follows:
    • i. Essential cookies (type 1)
      These cookies are absolutely necessary for the functions of the web pages. Without these cookies we would not be able to offer you services such as the vehicle configurator, for example.
    • ii. Functional cookies (type 2)
      These cookies facilitate the operation and improve the functions of the web pages. For example, we store your language settings in functional cookies.
    • iii. Performance cookies (Type 3)
      These cookies collect information about how you use our website. This enables us to identify which parts of our Internet offer are particularly popular and thus improve our offer for you. Please also read the section “Analysis of usage data”.
    • iv. Third-party cookies (type 4) These cookies are set by third parties, e.g. social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+, whose content you can integrate via the “social plug-ins” offered on our websites. For more information on the use and function of the social plug-ins, please refer to section 4 of our Privacy Statement.

We use the following cookies on our website:

  • _gid (Type 3)
    Used for Google Analytics to distinguish between users.
  • _ga (Type 3)
    Store information on the way in which visitors use our website, thereby help us to continuously improve our website and adapt it to your interests.
  • _gat_gtag_UA_68600301_4 (Type 3)
    Store information on the way in which visitors use our website, thereby help us to continuously improve our website and adapt it to your interests.
  • _icl_visitor_lang_js (Type 2)
    Stores redirect languages.
  • wpml_browser_redirect_test (Type 2)
    Stores redirect languages

2. Analysis of usage data; use of analysis tools

  • a. We would like to tailor the content of our websites as precisely as possible to your interests and in this way improve our offer for you. In order to identify usage preferences and particularly popular areas of the websites, we use Google Analytics.
  • b. When using these analysis tools, data may be transferred to servers located in the USA and processed there. Please note the following: In the USA, the European Union considers that there is no “adequate level of protection” for the processing of personal data in accordance with EU standards.
  • c. If you do not want us to collect and analyze information about your visit to our website using the analysis tools mentioned above, you can object to this at any time with effect for the future (“opt-out”).
    We implement your objection by setting an opt-out cookie in your browser. This cookie is only used to associate your objection. Please note that for technical reasons, an opt-out cookie only works in the browser in which it was set. If you delete the cookies or use a different browser or device, please opt-out again.
  • d. Below you will find information on the providers of the analysis tools we use and the respective opt-out options:
    i. Google Inc. (“Google”):

You can prevent the transfer of your data and its collection and processing by Google. Google informs about this via the following link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en.


The controller defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is:

UltraSuperNew KK.
1-1-3 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo 150-0001 Japan
Email: mail@ultrasupernew.com

1. Data Protection

  • We are pleased about your visit on our web pages. The protection of your personal data is an important concern for us. In this Privacy Statement we explain how we collect your personal data, what we do with it, for what purposes and on what legal basis this is done, and which rights and claims are associated with it for you.
  • USN Data Protection Policy
  • Our Privacy Statement for the use of our websites do not apply to your activities on the websites of social networks or other providers that you can reach via the links on our websites. Please check the websites of these providers for their data protection regulations.
  • Should you happen to be residing in Japan, please be aware that this privacy policy does not apply. Instead, please refer to our privacy policy aimed residents in Japan:


Revised: September 11 2020

UltraSuperNew (hereinafter “USN”) in some cases receives your personal data as part of its business activities. The protection of your privacy in the processing of your personal data is an important concern to which we pay special attention during our business processes.

USN processes the personal data received according to the Act on Protection of Personal Information (APPI) as well as related ministerial ordinances and guidance.

For information on how USN uses website visitor information, please refer to our Cookie Statement.

1. Collection and Processing of Personal Data

  • USN takes the utmost care to prevent leaks, falsification, loss, etc. of your personal data by regular internal audits and continuous improvements of its security measures.
  • When you visit our website, our web server automatically records your IP address, the web site from which you visit us, the web pages you actually visit and the date and length of your visit. Personal data is only stored if consented by you, for example in the context of a registration, a survey, a contest or in execution of a contract.

2. Purpose of Utilization of Personal Data

  • USN utilizes your personal data only for the following purposes. USN may change the Purpose of Utilization beyond the scope which is reasonably considered that the Purpose of Utilization after the change is duly related to that before the change. When this occurs, USN notifies you of the changed Purpose of Utilization or publicly announces it e.g. on our website (http://www.ultrasupernew.com).
  • We will only disclose your data to governmental authorities in cases where it is required by law. Our employees, suppliers, distributors and dealers are obliged by us to respect confidentiality.

3. Discontinuation of utilization of personal data

  • USN utilizes your personal data for marketing of our products and services and conducting surveys. Provision of your personal data is voluntary. Upon receiving your request, we will disclose, correct, or discontinue using your personal data in compliance with legal requirements. Please refer to Section 5 for the request forms and contact details.

4. Security

  • USN has technical and organizational security measures in place in order to protect the data we have under our control against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction and against access by unauthorized persons. Our security procedures are continually enhanced as new technology becomes available.

5. Disclosure of Personal Data

  • Upon written request, USN or its representatives will inform you by letter without delay what personal data is stored by us as defined by applicable law. We take the utmost care to keep personal data correct and up-to-date, however in case of any incorrect data is stored or used, we will correct it at your request .
  • Should you have questions regarding the processing of your personal data you can contact us. We will give feedback to your enquiries, suggestions or complaints, in cooperation with our data compliance officer. Requests for disclosure, correction, and discontinuation of processing activities of your personal data should also be made here.

Terms of Use

When using the Website and related e-mails of UltraSuperNew (hereinafter, “USN”), please note the following.

Effective January 2007

Usage Environment

1. Recommended browser

  • The Website is best viewed using the browser of Internet Explorer 10.x or later version, Google Chrome (latest version), Mozilla Firefox (latest version), Safari 5.0 or later version. When using in an environment other than the recommended one, or even when using a browser under the recommended environment, in some cases the Website may not work or may not be correctly displayed depending on the settings of your Web browser.

2. JavaScript and Cookies

  • This Website uses JavaScript 1.3 and cookies. If you use a non-compliant browser, or some functions of the browser are disabled, in some cases the Website may not work or may not be displayed correctly. A cookie is a small amount of data (up to 4 KB) which is temporarily stored on your personal computer, etc. at the request of a website; this Website uses cookies to make the site easier to use (such as not having to retype information, etc.) and easier to understand. The cookies used by this Website do not contain any information which may identify you; after viewing the Website, the data of the cookies are deleted each time.

3. Style Sheet

  • This Website uses style sheets. If style sheets are disabled in your browser, in some cases the pages may not be displayed correctly. When browsing, please set your browser to allow style sheets.


  • Some pages of this Website require the plug-ins listed below. A plug-in is external software which adds functions that are not provided as standard by the browser software.
  • To fully enjoy the contents of this Website, we recommend installing the following plug-ins.
    • Acrobat Reader [Adobe Acrobat]
    • You can browse or print contents provided as PDF files.
    • http://get.adobe.com/jp/reader/
    • Flash [Adobe Flash Player]
    • This plug-in enables the viewing of contents such as animated cartoons, etc. produced by Flash and related contents.
    • http://get.adobe.com/jp/flashplayer/

Content and Information of the Website

  • 1. Purpose
    • The Global Site (English page) introduces USN and its products and services to international visitors.
  • 2. Contents and Information
    • Although we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this Website and related e-mails, etc., in some circumstances the contents or information may not be displayed correctly. Please note that such contents or information may be modified without notice. Please also note that USN is not responsible for any problems arising from using such contents and information.
  • 3. Governing Law
    • USN controls the Website in Japan; the utilization of the Website shall be construed and governed by Japanese laws.

Publication Date and Contents of Publication

  • The information published on this Website is valid as of the date of publication. Please note that the information may be revised after publication.


  • The copyright in this Website and contents such as related e-mails shall belong to USN or its author. Please do not use, reprint, modify or use for business, etc. these contents.

Trademark Right

  • The copyright in this Website and the contents such as related e-mails shall belong to USN or its author. Please do not use, reprint, modify or use for business, etc. these contents. The trademark right or right to use logos and marks concerning the products and services posted on this Website belongs to USN. Please refrain from behavior such as producing a website by using these logos and marks, which may cause misunderstanding that the contents of such website is related to USN or the products and services of USN.


  • If you wish to link to this Website, please link to the top page (http://www.ultrasupernew.com). Note that the Company will not accept the following types of links.

    • 1. Link from a site which includes any contents which are offensive to public order and morals, any illegal contents, or any similar contents;
    • 2. Link in a form which may infringe copyright, such as a link using frames, or a link which does not clearly show that the contents belong to USN, etc.;
    • 3. Link from a site which includes content that slanders, libels or discredits USN and the products and services of USN;
    • 4. Link for commercial or profit-making purpose (link with the purpose of obtaining profit)
  • Please note that, regarding any site which is linked to this Website, even if the Company receives a request for damage compensation or other claim/request from a third party, USN is not responsible for such situations.

  • If you link to the Website, please ensure that the link will not cause any disadvantage or trouble to USN concerning any complaints or requests for payment from a third party. Concerning sites which are linked to the Company’s Website, the Company may sometimes request that the link be adjusted or postponed, etc. In that case, we would appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

  • Third parties’ websites which are linked from this Website are the responsibility of each respective party; USN makes no guarantee or recommendation concerning the contents of such websites. Please also note that USN is not responsible concerning such website and its contents.

Terms of Use for USN Social Media

These Terms of Use apply to UltraSuperNew (hereinafter referred to as “USN”) Social Media and related services.
USN, in operating the USN Social Media Official Account (hereinafter referred to as “Official Account”), for the purpose of valuable communication with users of the USN Official Account (hereinafter referred to as “User” or “Users”), stipulates the following Terms of Use for Services (hereinafter referred to as “Terms of Use”).

  • Article 1 (Applicable Scope of the Terms of Use)

    • With regard to USN Social Media and related Services (hereinafter referred to as “Services”) to be provided by USN (hereinafter referred to as “USN”) to Users of the Official Account operated by USN, these Terms of Use shall apply to all Users of the Services, regardless of whether procedures for registration for use are performed or not. In the event any conflict occurs between these Terms of Use and the terms of use or policy stipulated by USN in the Social Media Site in which USN services are provided, the terms of use and policy of the said Social Media Site shall prevail.
  • Article 2 (Matters to be Observed for Utilization)

    • 1. In utilizing the Services, Users are prohibited from performing the following.

      • a. An act which infringes or is likely to infringe the rights and property of USN, other User or a third party
      • b. An act which slanders or libels USN, another User, third party, or products or services, etc. of such parties, and the act of posting groundless information;
      • c. An act that infringes the privacy of another User or a third party by posting personal information such as telephone number, address and e-mail address, etc.
      • d. An act of preparing for an election, election campaign or similar behavior;
      • e. An act of missionary work, solicitation, etc. for a specific religion, organization, group, etc.;
      • f. An act of using or duplicating information provided by the Services for a purpose which exceeds the scope of personal use. Any act of releasing or using duplicated information for any third party is not included within the scope of personal use;
      • g. An act of using the information provided by the Services or USN for the purpose of making money;
      • h. An act for the purpose of making money by using the Services (including introduction and solicitation of websites);
      • i. An act of utilizing the Services exclusively as a site for downloading files;
      • j. An act of disturbing the use of and access to USN services or a part of such services by other Users;
      • k. With regard to contents which a User does not have the right to transmit on the basis of a trusting relationship or contractual relationship, an act of transmitting such contents by uploading to USN services or by other method (such as internal information, proprietary/confidential information learned through an employment relationship or under a nondisclosure agreement);
      • l. With regard to contents which include software viruses or other computer code, file or program that were designed to interfere with, destroy or restrict the functions of computer software, hardware or communication equipment, the act of transmitting such contents by uploading to USN services or by other method;
      • m. An act of attempting to perform unauthorized access by way of password mining, hacking or other method against the services, account, computer system or network which are connected to the server for USN services;
      • n. An act of effectively using in some way any copyright, trademark, service mark, trademark name, logo or picture in the USN services without obtaining prior written consent from USN;
      • o. An act of determining the site architecture or drawing information concerning usage situation, identification of individuals, or Users of USN services by using network monitoring or detection software;
      • p. An act of monitoring or copying USN services or a part thereof by using a robot, crawler, other automatic software or device, or manual process;
      • q. An act of causing disadvantage to USN, other Users or third parties;
      • r. An act which violates, or is likely to violate, public order and morals or laws and regulations;
      • s. An act which leads to, or is likely to lead to, criminal behavior;
      • t. An act of disturbing the operation of the Service or discrediting USN;
      • u. Any other act which USN determines as inappropriate in the Services.
    • 2. In the event that a User causes damages to any third party relating to the utilization of the Services, such User shall compensate such damages or resolve the dispute with the said third party at the expense and responsibility of the User himself/herself, and shall not cause USN any inconvenience.

    • 3. USN is not responsible for any damages of a User that occurred in relation to use of the Services, unless such damages are caused by an intentional act or gross negligence by USN.

    • 4. In the event that a User causes damages to USN in violation of this article, USN may claim damages from such User.

  • Article 3 (Violation of Terms of Use)

    • In the event that a User violates any of the clauses of the Terms of Use, USN may take measures such as deleting the information and contents, etc. posted on the site by the User and other necessary measures in light of the mode or severity, etc. of the violation.
  • Article 4 (Discharge concerning Contents and Responsibility concerning Service Provision)

    • 1. With regard to the information provided by Users in the Services, USN shall not guarantee the accuracy, integrity, legal compliance, etc. of such information. Even if a User or other third party suffers any damages due to such information, USN is not responsible for such damages.
    • 2. With regard to information provided by an outsourcing contractor and a party other than Users in the Services, USN shall not guarantee the accuracy, integrity, legal compliance, etc. of such information. Even if a User or other third party suffers any damages due to such information, USN is not responsible for such damages, unless such damages are caused by an intentional act or gross negligence by USN.
    • 3. USN is not responsible for any damages caused by utilizing the Services or caused by inability to utilize the Service by the User.
    • 4. USN is not responsible for the contents posted by Users (comments, photographs, videos, etc.) in the Service.
    • 5. USN is not responsible for any trouble or dispute relating to the Services between Users, or a User and a third party.
    • 6. The Services are operated by the system of Facebook, Inc. We are not in a position to reply concerning the system operation of Facebook, Inc. Also, we are not in a position to reply concerning the Facebook site, and functions, utilization method, technical questions, etc. of the software and applications provided by Facebook, Inc. or any third party.
  • Article 5 (Handling of Intellectual Property Right)

    • 1. A User shall assign USN free of charge the copyright of all information and contents, etc. posted on the site or transmitted to USN by e-mail, etc. in the course of using the Services, and shall not execute the author’s moral right.
    • 2. A User must not duplicate, distribute, publish or publicly transmit, etc. any information, contents, etc. obtained through the Services for a purpose other than private use within the limited scope of personal or domestic use. Furthermore, a User must not utilize, without prior consent, information, contents, etc. in the Services exceeding the scope allowed by the Copyright Act.
  • Article 6 (Modification of the Terms of Use)

    • 1. USN may sometimes modify the Terms of Use without obtaining consent from Users. In this case, the latest version of the Terms of Use shall apply concerning utilization of the Services.
    • 2. Unless otherwise stipulated by USN, the Terms of Use after modification shall become effective at the time when the modification is posted on the Official Homepage of USN.
  • Article 7 (Personal Information)

    • The personal information of Users obtained by USN shall be appropriately managed in accordance with the privacy policy of USN.
  • Article 8 (Terms of Use for the Site)

    • Matters concerning utilization of the Services not stipulated in these Terms of Use shall be subject to the Terms of Use for the USN Official Homepage Site (please refer to “http://www.ultrasupernew.com“).

Supplemental Provisions

These Terms of Use shall become effective on October 15, 2015.

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